Reviving the Subaltern, Reimagining the Nostalgia: Reconstructed Mentalities of the Moros in Early American Colonization

Hawkins, Michael C. Making Moros: Imperial Historicism and American Military Rule in the Philippines’ Muslim South. DeKalb, Ill., Northern Illinois University Press, 2013.



Moros, subaltern history, Mindanao history and historiography, identity formation and reformation, colonial nostalgia


Michael Hawkins’s Making Moros (2013) is one of the first attempts to write a subaltern history of Mindanao Moros by using colonial documents and newspapers published during the American occupation in Muslim Mindanao. The book also offers fresh perspectives discussing various taxonomies of sorts, contested identities forcefully imposed by the Americans on the Moros to fit their self-imposed colonial mission, and the nostalgia that the colonization process left the minds of the colonized. This book responds to the dominant Mindanao historical literature focusing on political history of the people and place, largely discussing the military implications of the Americans on the island.

Author Biography

Christian Ely F. Poot, Mindanao State University - General Santos City

Christian Ely F. Poot is a former assistant lecturer of history at Mindanao State University - General Santos City. He is studying MA History at University of the Philippines - Diliman since 2019. He writes on Maritime Southeast Asian Traditions and Connections (10th to 19th centuries) and Philippine internal migration dynamics. He is also into philosophy and theories of history, and visual anthropology as his cross-disciplinary interests. He was a resident historian in “The Restless Heron” (2023) film and a writing fellow at UP Film Institute's Pelikula Places. Contact:




How to Cite

Poot, C. E. “ 2013”. TALA: An Online Journal of History, vol. 7, no. 1, June 2024, pp. 195-07,