Exploring Game-Based Learning (GBL) through Learning Management Systems in Teaching Batas Militar (Martial Law) to Elementary Students’ Achievement
batas militar, game-based learning (GBL), history teaching, student achievementAbstract
Identifying pedagogies in teaching Batas Militar (Martial Law) in the Philippines to elementary students has been proven to be a daunting task in the 21st century learning. This experimental study investigates the use of Game-Based Learning (GBL) in teaching Batas Militar to select thirty (30) grade 6 students of a laboratory school. By using a true-experimental research design, the participants underwent two different instructional modalities: traditional instruction and GBL. Employing Paired t-Test and percentage frequency distribution, this study compared the pre-test and post-test scores of learners in traditional instruction and game-based instruction. The findings revealed no significant statistical difference between traditional teaching and GBL in terms of overall knowledge gain. However, further examination of the data indicated that GBL contributed significantly to student achievement, specifically when considering various factors, such as motivation, content mastery, and higher-order thinking skills. The incorporation of game elements reportedly provided a more engaging, entertaining, and informative learning environment, promoting active participation and enhancing student achievement.
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