Exploring Game-Based Learning (GBL) through Learning Management Systems in Teaching Batas Militar (Martial Law) to Elementary Students’ Achievement



batas militar, game-based learning (GBL), history teaching, student achievement


Identifying pedagogies in teaching Batas Militar (Martial Law) in the Philippines to elementary students has been proven to be a daunting task in the 21st century learning. This experimental study investigates the use of Game-Based Learning (GBL) in teaching Batas Militar to select thirty (30) grade 6 students of a laboratory school. By using a true-experimental research design, the participants underwent two different instructional modalities: traditional instruction and GBL. Employing Paired t-Test and percentage frequency distribution, this study compared the pre-test and post-test scores of learners in traditional instruction and game-based instruction. The findings revealed no significant statistical difference between traditional teaching and GBL in terms of overall knowledge gain. However, further examination of the data indicated that GBL contributed significantly to student achievement, specifically when considering various factors, such as motivation, content mastery, and higher-order thinking skills. The incorporation of game elements reportedly provided a more engaging, entertaining, and informative learning environment, promoting active participation and enhancing student achievement.

Author Biographies

Geline D. Despabiladeras, Philippine Normal University

Geline D. Despabiladeras is a licensed professional teacher and a graduate of the Philippine Normal University-Manila, where she earned her degree in Social Science Education as Magna cum Laude. Her research interests focus on social science education, campus journalism, and law-related studies. With 10 years of experience as a campus journalist, she won as a writer-contributor in the 2016 Metro Manila Film Festival Essay Writing Competition. She is also a regular journalism resource speaker, sharing her expertise with students and educators. Currently, she works as a legal assistant at a law firm marketing agency in California, USA.

Emmanuel M. Lasquite, Philippine Normal University, Manila

Emmanuel M. Lasquite is a professional teacher at Caritas Don Bosco School. He graduated Magna cum laude from the Philippine Normal University-Manila, with a degree in Social Science Education. His research interests revolve on: pedagogical studies in teaching social science education and gender development studies. Currently, he is a member of the Philippine Historical Association.

Elisha Jesu A. Atayde, University of the Philippines, Diliman

Elisha Jesu A. Atayde is a professional teacher, and a student pursuing Master of Arts in History at the University of the Philippines-Diliman. She earned her bachelor's degree in Social Science Education as Cum Laude at the Philippine Normal University-Manila. Her research interests revolve on: Philippine contemporary history, Philippine education system, and pedagogical strategies of teaching history. Currently, she serves as the treasurer of the Congress of Teachers for Nationalism and Democracy (CONTEND).

Kenneth A. Olvis, University of the Philippines, Diliman

Kenneth A. Olvis is a professional educator and emerging scholar in the social sciences. He graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Philippine Normal University-Manila with a degree in Social Science Education. In 2024, he began his Master’s in Anthropology at the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines Diliman, driven by his passion for cultural studies and human societies. He can be reached through kaolvis@up.edu.ph.

Nikolee Marie A. Serafico-Reyes, Philippine Normal University

Nikolee Marie A. Serafico-Reyes is an Associate Professor of Social Science Education at the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences and a Fellow at the Educational Policy Research and Development Office of the Philippine Normal University. She teaches pedagogical content knowledge courses in social studies and supervises practice teachers. Her research interests are on curriculum history, social studies, and history education. She is also a licensed professional teacher.




How to Cite

Despabiladeras, G., E. Lasquite, E. J. Atayde, K. Olvis, and N. M. Serafico-Reyes. “Exploring Game-Based Learning (GBL) through Learning Management Systems in Teaching Batas Militar (Martial Law) to Elementary Students’ Achievement”. TALA: An Online Journal of History, vol. 7, no. 2, Dec. 2024, pp. 100-33, http://talakasaysayan.org/index.php/talakasaysayan/article/view/208.